Saturday, January 3, 2009


Dear friends,
It is just the beginning of a new year for us all and as I reflect back upon 2008 I can't help but smile and be filled with love and gratitude for all the wonderful memories I have...especially of those that have to do with Africa. It is my passion, as many of you know, and each time I have the opportunity to share my love and respect for the animals and people of Africa I once again feel its gentle tug on my heart and spirit. Come to Africa, come to Africa. I cannot stay away for long so it is with great joy that I share the news that I am returning to Africa in just a few short days.

I'm returning to South Africa, to the most northern area of Kruger National Park called Makuleke on Jan. 7, 2009. I'll be taking a rigorous course through Trails Guide that runs until Feb. 3, 2009. It's a 28-day course taken by safari professionals to further their skills. I'll be studying such subjects as Birding and Bird Identification, Tracks and Tracking, Animal Behavior, Conservation Ethics, Walking in Big Game Country and Ecology, just to name a few. I am excited to be going back in the bush and improving my guiding skills. Unfortunately, there are limited times that I'll have internet access so while I'm away please let Alison know of any travel or safari needs you may have. She can be reached through our website at or

May 2009 be off to a exciting start for you all and my you find and follow your dreams.

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