Hello friends of Africa! Alison and I just returned from a weekend forum on travel to Africa and we had a great time. As president of the Northern California APTA (Association for the Promotion of Tourism to Africa) Alison attended on behalf of the 58 members of this local chapter. We were treated to panel discussions and break-out sessions on such timely topics as eco-adventures, sustainable travel and safe travel to Africa. There was also time for a silent auction and networking with friends.
Here's Alison scoping out a fabulous picture book of Africa.
Once again, we came away from discussions about Africa knowing why we want to send groups of like-minded men and women to Africa. It gets under your skin (in a good way!) and changes you forever. (For some incredible photos of Africa, taken by our very own clients, Jody and Alison, don't forget to click on the photo gallery of the website at http://www.wildrainbowsafaris.com).